The Queen City United Soccer Club believes all athletes should have the opportunity to play the game, and sometimes, families need financial assistance to get their kids into a sport or physical activity. As such, QC provides the following mechanisms to reduce barriers to participation:
KidSport helps children of families facing financial obstacles to participate in sport, so that no kid is left on the sidelines.
Who is eligible to receive a KidSport grant?
What does KidSport cover?
To apply for KidSport funding, please complete the application form found here and submit it to your KidSport Chapter. If you prefer to complete an application form online, you can do so here.
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities (Jumpstart) is a registered charity that helps kids from financially disadvantaged families participate in organized sports and physical activity.
To apply for Jumpstart funding, fill out the online application form found here.
The Athlete Assistance Program (AAP) is a program of financial assistance provided by Saskatchewan Soccer for athletes in sanctioned High Performance training environments. The goal of the AAP is to provide identified high performance soccer players with financial support to assist in their continued development and ensure high performance programming is as accessible as possible to talented and dedicated athletes with financial barriers to participation.
The intent of the AAP is to provide support to athletes in the Training to Train and Training to Compete stages of the Long Term Player Development (LTPD) model within Saskatchewan Soccer's High Performance Stream, who are participating in High Performance Stream competitions such as the High Performance Showcase Series, multi-sport games, or training in Saskatchewan Soccer's Regional Excel Centre (REX), or a Saskatchewan Soccer approved High Performance training environment.
Athlete Assistance Program - Information
Athlete Assistance Program - Application Form
QC realizes that all families may not have the means to fully finance their children's participation in sport. If additional assistance is required, please contact to explore payment plan options or internal club funding options that may be available to assist with some costs not covered by third party funding (ie. KidSport, Jumpstart, etc).
February Break Soccer Camp
QC Facility - 1560A McDonald St.
QC Store/Office CLOSED - February Break
QC Facility - 1560A McDonald St. - QC Store